Tibetan Computing

Tibetan Computing

Tibetan Translation Tool – Installation Guide:

Typing Tibetan:

Wylie Lookup Table for Programs and Scripts:

  • Lookup Table for Wylie to Unicode Conversion – A large list of wylie syllables and their unicode equivalents in order to allow easy an implementation of syllable-by-syllable conversion between Tibetan text using Wylie transliteration and Tibetan text using unicode.

Lazy Font Loading:

  • Lazy Loading of Web Fonts – Allow the browser to display a page with default fonts and use a font priority list to determine whether a better web font should be loaded dynamically afterwards

Other technical tools and further bits and pieces of information for dealing with Tibetan text:

These days it has become rather easy to use Tibetan text on a computer. Nevertheless, here are some resources that might be helpful:

  • Universal Tibetan Font Converter – This converter supports the conversion between many different legacy Tibetan fonts and Unicode for both plain text and RTF documents.
  • Digital Tibetan – links to various Tibetan resources – e.g. dictionaries, tools and instructions for writing and writing texts in Tibetan, etc.
  • Online converter between Wylie and Unicode (Lotsawa HouseDigitaltibetan.org) – the converter can also be downloaded as a Perl and Java implementation.
  • Digital Tibetan – A nice Wiki with various pointers to Tibetan computing resources.
  • Tibetan and Himalayan Library – Various resources related to Tibetan Buddhism and also about Tibetan computing by the University of Virginia
  • Extended Wylie Transliteration Scheme –  Nice and thorough although somewhat over-complicated explanation of TurrellWylie’s tranliteration system to render Tibetan in latin script together with some additions made by the University of Virginia